
Video Production Summer Camp

Video Production Camp is a hands-on, fast-paced program that allows students to work directly with professionals in the field of industrial film and video production.

Campers produce, direct, light, shoot, and edit like the experts as they make their own movies. In this camp, students will learn to utilize titles, graphics, music, voice-over, and live-action video. At the same time, they will be growing their own leadership, communication, project management, and creative design skills.

Students will spend this week working in a lab equipped with video cameras, production lighting, and PC-based editing systems as they shoot and edit their own movies. Their instructor will guide them through a challenging and engaging educational experience. 

Video Production camp begins with an overview of key foundational concepts, including an overview of the "Video World" (systems, terms, resolution) and Camera Terms (distance, shooting, movement). Students learn types of shots and the rule of thirds. They discuss composition, framing, balance, focus, and exposure.  Students also cover and adopt the roles within a video production group and learn about the pre-production process. In groups, students plan their project together, including storyboarding their video and determining what shots they will need to capture their main idea with a Shot List. Through this process, they also focus on storytelling details and the importance of plot development. Students receive practice in directing, learning proper directing terminology (establishing shot, continuity) and film their scenes.

Once scenes are planned, students enter the Production phase.  They work with their groups and follow their Shot Plans to shoot coverage and cutaway shots while paying attention to continuity.  This activity builds teamwork, collaboration, and creativity while allowing students to practically apply what they have been learning in camp while understanding the many complexities of the Production process.  Students in the general program will use Panasonic AVCCAM cameras while advanced students will use the Canon XC15 4K camera.  The camp will provide all filming equipment, but students will need to bring a laptop with them for editing. 

Students utilize Adobe Premier Pro for Post Production where the importance of the process is emphasized.   Students begin by assembling their clips into a rough edit. They will then begin to layer complexities in their videos as they learn new techniques: Video effects, transitions, sound, titles etc are inserted with instructor support and feedback.  Students also learn how to develop a critics eye as they offer feedback to their classmates. Editing is set up as a Makers-space where students who are excelling more quickly will be able to move on to more advanced techniques. The week concludes with a film screening for parents, family, and friends who are able to attend.    

                                                            Video Production                                 Advanced Video Production

Video Production Summer Camp Programs

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