
Varsity and Encore speech students will have the opportunity to select one of three majors to focus on during camp: 

Interpretive Events, which include Duo Interp,(Both Students Must Be Present), Humorous Interp, Dramatic Interp, Programmed Oral Interp, Prose/Poetry. You will learn how to choose material, learn the magic of cutting a play to 10 minutes, learn character voices, character positions, learn how to reveal subtext and objectives. You will walk away with a variety of interpretive techniques to take with you so that you can practice at home.

Platform and Writing Events, which include Original Oratory, Original Advocacy, Expository/Informative. Students will be guided through the entire writing journey from choosing, clarifying and perfecting a topic, where and how to research, drafting a speech (Problem/Cause/Solution), practicing and learning the magic of delivery. You will have hands-on help from start to finish.

Limited Prep Events, include Extemporaneous Speaking and Impromptu. Here you will focus on speech prep, outlining a winning speech, research, structure, cause and effect, and learning techniques that will improve your overall public speaking in rounds.